Friday, August 31, 2007
Filman Ferdian
Filman, there are some irrelevant sentences in your paragraph.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Boring Ironing
I hate doing house chores, especially ironing. I have two strong reasons for it. First, it’s a waste of time. I could spend hours (that seems years) to finish ironing my whole family’s clothes. The second reason is that it is boring. I sit in front of the ironing board and repeatedly propel the iron forward and backward to flatten a t-shirt and do the same to the jeans, pajamas and the rest of the messy clothes.
Sabrina Rahmawati
Sabrina, your topic sentence is not developed well.
I like music and guitar
Garry Gufiano Pane
Please read the chapter about 'topic sentence' in your Academic Writing book. Your topic sentence is not developed well.
Chicken Porridge
Does anyone know where other tasty chicken porridge is sold? :-)
Sumayyah Tsabitah
Sumayyah, your topic sentence is too specific, and your paragraph is not focus at all. (see chapter 3 from the Academic writing book 'about relevant and irrelevant sentences'.
I like traveling so much. I don’t travel frequently, but I have gone to many places in my life. Usually I go with my family. And we usually go when there is a long holiday. Sometimes we go on a long vacation and sometimes just a short one. But I always enjoy traveling whether it is a long or short vacation.
I like traveling because everytime I travel, I always find something new and it’s just so interesting to know new things. When we travel, we also find new cultures or habits that are very different from our own. Maybe we will feel weird and unfamiliar with that situation, but there are always fun things to discover from other cultures. We can learn it for our social life. When we travel, we meet so many people. Each person comes from a different background and ethnicity. Everybody has a different perspective. By traveling, we can make more friends and connections. And you never know if maybe someday, you will need their help.
Never say no to traveling. You never know what you will face; new experiences, new friends, and the refreshing of your mind.
Andra, your grammar is good. Your topic sentence is not specific enough. In your paragraph you are using 'I', 'we' and 'you'. The use of these pronouns makes your paragraph not coherence. If you are going to use 'I', please write about you and your travel, you are using 'you' as if you are giving advice that should be written in a separate paragraph.
Daniel Sucipto Marbun 16507183
Good work.
Playing Computer Games
Bernardino Madaharsa Dito Adiwidya
Something I Like...
Since I was introduced to internet, I’ve been more and more enthusiastic to find the world outside my daily world. It became one of my hobbies. I like using internet to find other friends, download many things, discuss many things in many forums even my homework ^_^, do chatting, and of course, search many things I want to know with my lovely search engine, Google. I find that this search engine is very good, because it’s hard for me to remember every site I visit and I want to visit. The first time I used it, I was very confused because it listed thousands even millions, but I the more I use it, the more I know that it has many features which can make our searching more efficient. I’ve found many important things by this search engine, like software, music, videos, e-books, and so on, but sometimes I felt guilty because I know that I did piracy by ignoring the copyright. Besides, there’re also bad things, sometimes the result directs me to the sites which provide porn stuff. The presence of search engines has made the very wide world, internet, easier to explore.
Thanks for posting.
Martin T.H. Sirait (16507338)
Aris Feryanto
Playing Trading-Card Games
Esqi Aktiadi
Thanks for posting. Your topic sentence is not developed well. We will discuss this in class.