Friday, September 21, 2007
Check your tenses.
Fasting during Ramadan
All Muslims who have reached puberty and who are mentally and physically able to sustain fasting are obliged to fast during Ramadan. People who are sick or traveling, and pregnant or nursing women, are excused from fasting, but they have to make up any missed days later when he/she has recovered or returned. Women who are menstruating or bleeding after childbirth are not allowed to fast, but they too must make up the days they miss at a later date. The elderly and incurably sick need not fast, but they are expected to feed one poor person for every day of fasting they miss.
Before fasting, all of fasting Muslims are recommended to have a meal, called sahur, shortly before dawn during Ramadan. At that moment they state (not saying, but just inside the heart) the intention of fasting. After fasting, as soon as day's end, they are recommended to hurry the breaking of the fast with another meal, called ta'jil. Ta'jil should be a light meal, taken before proceeding maghrib pray. Providing ta'jil to others, especially to the poor, is considered highly praiseworthy. Many Muslims have ta'jil in the neighborhood mosque and invite friends, relatives, and neighbors to join them.
Fasting have many meaning. The fast introduces physical and spiritual discipline. By fasting, the body will become healthier. Moreover, it implicate to self-purification and spiritual growth. Besides of that, fasting serves to remind us the rich of the misfortunes of the poor and fosters, through this difficult act of worship. It also increase a sense of solidarity and mutual care among Muslims of all social background.
Nama : Haris Amrullah Lubis
NIM : 16507086
Good thought.
Computer Virus…
Martin Tua Hamonangan Sirait
Save Our Planet
However, we can do something to save this beautiful planet. We can start from ourselves by changing our lifestyle. First, we should reduce the usage of television, radio, phone charger, computer, etc. The second, we should not waste the water. The next step is planting a tree or flower. A simple thing can be very beautiful for this planet. Moreover, we should remind our friends with the global warming. We should protect the earth if we want to live in this beautiful planet.
Good, thanks for posting.
Debate is Our Daily Life
"Debate or debating is a formal method of interactive and position representational argument. Debate is a broader form of argument than logical argument, since it includes persuasion which appeals to the emotional responses of an audience, and rules enabling people to discuss and decide on differences, within a framework defining how they will interact.
Informal debate is a common occurrence, but the quality and depth of a debate improves with knowledge and skill of its participants as debaters. Deliberative bodies such as parliaments, legislative assemblies, and meetings of all sorts engage in debates. The outcome of a debate may be decided by audience vote, by judges, or by some combination of the two. Formal debates between candidates for elected office, such as the leaders debates and the U.S. presidential election debates, are common in democracies."
Based on article above, we can't deny, even if we are a peasant or politician, that we will eventually do debate with other people, known or newly recognized, even in simple matters. For example, if you are not agree with your mother's decision about your monthly money's amount, you will debate it with delivering your reasons that you need more money for daily needs, etc. Even if you're not meet other people, you sometime debate with your heart about moral thing, whether what you done is right or wrong.
Debating is beneficial, by debating with others we will broaden our view and know many different perception of one problem, we also can share our experience with others and improve our social skills. Structured debate will end up in good ending but not with debate that is not supported with logical reason. Look the politician in Indonesia, they often fight after long debate about some government plan, in Nusa Tenggara for example, because they debate with not good reasons and logics, which is bad for both sides. Imagine if there is no debate in this world, there will be different law for different people with different perception, very annoying world. Debate is incontrovertible things in our life, maybe before you read this blog you have done a debate with your friends, who knows.
Esqi Aktiadi
Good, thanks for posting.
Internet Banking
Tedy Muslim Haq
Good, thanks for posting.
Tyre in Formula One
To compensate for lost footprint area in F1 tyres, the tyre engineers are designing the smaller diamater tyres with more flexible sidewall so more tyre will come in contact with the track. Judging from this knowledge, it is wise to choose a tyre with a taller carcass when running on a track with a rough or bumpy surface so the stiffer sidewall will help cope with the bumps and irregularities.
Almost all of the tyre parts are coloured in black. It comes from the carbon black. It's the best reinforcement for the rubber and makes the tyres black. Actually, there are also some different colour reinforcement, either blue or red, but it's not as strong as carbon black so that's why F1 tyres are black.
After designing the tyres, Bridgestone produces the tyres. Then, the produced tyres will be sent to the F1 teams a day before the practice day.
Before starting a race, the car engineers from each team always cover the F1 tyres with black blanket called tyre warmer. It could set the temperature of the tyres up to 100 degrees Celcius. They warm the tyres in order to get more grip from the heated tyres. The tyres will become very hot. Then there is a joke around F1 engineers, if you hungry, just fry an egg on the tyres.
In the end of the race, some of the used tyres are examined by team engineers and some of them are shipped out to Bridgestone factory, Japan, to be burnt in one of the factory facilities.
Devita Sari
Good, thanks for posting.
The Dangers of Using Cell Phones
Arlingga Oetomo
Good, thanks for posting.
Our Intellectuality
This makes us suppose that intelligence is very important to us. Supported by a sharp and keen intellect, we are so rational that our mind is our primary weapon in analyzing everything. We tend to approach things with logic. We use our intellectuality to win in academic competitions for our own prestige. We use our sharp intellect to create new technological tools but seldom have much to say about the possible future effects on our ecosystems and make many researches but we do not know whether the researches are giving advantage to individuals or society. We seem to be programmed to repeat our days and do a pretty job without improving our cimcumstances, without deepening our awareness, without paying attention to our realities and without seeking knowledge among the signs of nature.
We always use our superhuman brainpower but seldom try listening to our own heart - where as heart sees anything that logic could never see. Heart sees love, friendship, meanings of life, other person's needs and other hidden messages - but logic does not. Heart will find the reason of doing something and the answer of the meaning of life. Without awareness about what it means to be human, intellectuality is nothing!
Nurfitri Anbarsanti
Very good idea, thanks.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Defense of the Ancients
DotA is a “protect the base” game which means the objective for winning the game is to destroy the base of the enemy’s teams. Each team has one primary target that is to destroy the opponents’ “king” structure, The Ancient Tree for The Sentinel and The Frozen Throne for The Scourge. To destroy those structures each of the players will be controlling a character which called “hero”.
Each player can pick one heroes to control from more than 80 different heroes. The hero is the key to win the game. The combination of good control of the hero and good synergy with your teammates’ heroes is one step closer to winning the game.
Adrian Edbert Luman
Games are always fun, thanks for posting.
Comparing Ourselves to Others
Most people like comparing themselves to others—seeing another’s superiority and compared it with theirs—although they must have been told that everybody has its own superiority and deficiency before.
For some people, that habit could be a positive thing. Those people can take it as a self-motivator. They improved themselves because they wanted to be a better person than the one they compared to.
Unfortunately, the others cannot do the same. After they compared themselves to another—their friend, for example—they became jealous and they tried to find their friend’s deficiency. They often felt jaunty by knowing their friend’s deficiency, and they then thought that they were better than them!
That was pretty bad. It’s better tried to find their own superiority than to find people’s peccadilloes. Finding people’s deficiency can only broke up relationships while the other way can take them as a better person.
Sabrina Rahmawati
Thanks Ina for posting, good thought.
Traffic jam in big cities in
Giving ideas to solve the problem will be good idea.
Strat Lover

Fender Stratocaster(Strat) is a prestigious electric guitar produced by Fender Musical Instrument Corporation. Stratocaster guitar, invented in 1954 by Leo Fender and Freddie Tavares, has old-fashioned body shape, glassy-honking sound and bell-like harmonics as its prominent traits. It has more complex electronics than Fender’s first guitar (Telecaster), such as three single coils, synchronized tremolo, and five way selector switches and a Fender Strat is crafted using qualified materials by licensed workers. It is also one of the most enduring and common models of electric guitar in the world.
Nowadays, Fender Stratocaster guitar has become popular among worldwide musician, especially blues and jazz musician because of its vintage model, clear sound, and quality.Besides that, its price is affordable($400-$2000). In addition, Fender Stratocaster guitar has ever accompanied a lot of great musicians on their stages such as Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Richie Blackmore, Brian May(Queen), Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton, Yngwie Malmsteen , and Eric Johnson.
Do you like playing? Listening to Bujana playing is nice and relaxing.
Tricks to Help You Eat Healthfully on The Road
Amid the rush and stress of business travel, nutrition is often pushed aside. While worrying about beating traffic, making flights, preparing for meetings and presentations, who has the time or the energy to think about eating healthfully?
But traveling for business is not an excuse to needlessly indulge in sugar and fats, experts say. Trading in cheeseburgers for salads and potato chips for carrot sticks could help ease the strain of traveling and help dodge weight gain.
"It doesn't feel good, first of all, to fly with a bunch of junk food in your stomach, or soda. "You want to stay as hydrated as possible, eat as much fiber as possible."
I acknowledged that doing so isn't always easy. Rather than depend on airport and roadside eateries, often laden with fast-food options, I advise travelers to plan ahead..
"Make sure you're eating high-fiber foods, those are your plant foods, like fruits and vegetables, beans and grains". Pita bread, nuts and dried fruits are other good choices and are easy to bring on flights. I also advised travelers to buy water once they've passed through security.
For business travelers who are driving, the choices become easier. "You can pack a cooler, you can bring plenty of water". "Pull over into towns where there are grocery stores. ... Get fresh produce, get vegetables, get a container of hummus and baked tortilla chips."
Of course, eating healthfully en route is only half the battle. How does one avoid the pitfalls of restaurants' choices during business dinners?
"If you're used to eating grilled chicken and steamed vegetables, order grilled chicken and steamed vegetables"
If ordering custom meals seems too fussy and high maintenance, I advised travelers to embrace restaurants' vegetarian options. Those are the high-fiber, low-fat, low-calorie meals.
For American restaurants, baked potatoes or salads are good choices, as long as they are eaten in a relatively pure form. In other words, steer clear of cheese, heavy dressings and meat. "If you don't get the cheese and oils, you're more likely to get high-fiber, low-fat meals".
Even fast-food restaurants can have healthy choices. "Something grilled, chicken is typically the best. A lot of restaurants now have salads, even fast food places".
How about in Indonesia??
Tourism Business of Indonesia
JW Mariot bomb, bali bomb, and many other terorism fact and issue make tourist abroad afraid to go to Indonesia. How they will enjoy having a tour in Indonesia if they get fears, right. Aceh tsunami, earthquake, Sidoarjo mud and many other disaster more and more descend tourist interest.
What do you think about the excuse of tourist abroad having a trip in Indonesia? There is an opinion which says that beautiful scenery is the reason. For them, who have gone around the world to have a trip, have known, I think, that many country besides Indonesia have the same or maybe more beautiful in the scenery of their tourist resort than Indonesia. In my opinion, base on an article of Indonesia tourism, friendliness and hospitality of Indonesian is the main motivation. Tourist will feel comfort, enjoy, and safety when they get serviced or when they assimilated with Indonesian people. Thus, from the paragraphs above, I hope tourism in Indonesia will get its fame.
Luthfi AG
Good, thanks for posting.
Fasting is good for our body. Not only Muslims, but also many other people do fasting. Scientists have proven that fasting can fix metabolism process in our body. Everyday, our digester organs work without rest to process food that we eat. When we do fasting, our intestine, appendix, etc take rest for a moment and recover their function. Fasting can also reduce stress. When we eat a little food, a little food essence will be absorbed to our blood transportation. So, oxygen can enter to our blood easier. The oxygen's circulation at our brain becomes faster, that our mind may be more fresh. Last, fasting can help us to cure some diseases. Take cholesterol problem as an example. Lessen amount of food we eating can decreases fat in our body. From the reasons mentioned above, we can take a conclusion that fasting gives us many advantages.
Good, thanks for posting.
Good, thanks for posting.
Making Money from Music
Major record companies are a “factory” that creates and sell music. They classify music based on profit. The ideal music for them is the one that they think can make a huge income to the company; regardless of what the musicians involved feel about the music. Musicians’ creative control to their music is thereby limited. Their job is no longer to create music from their heart, but rather to create a catchy, easy-listening tune. There are musicians that have no problem with this limitation, though, as long as they can have the money. These musicians are sometimes called sellouts.
But still, there are some other musicians that still have the dignity not to sell their creativity out. They start a movement that is independent from any types of creativity limitation by the means of profit. This is called Independent Movement or simply indie. Music in this movement is completely based on the musicians. Musicians have the rights to produce and publish any of their music. But they have to do that by their own money. The budget of course is significantly below the one spent in major record companies. So that means the product will automatically have a limitation in some aspects compared to the major one (e.g.: audience, quality of the package, etc.).
There is no guarantee to make a profit. For the ones who want to make a living from music, choosing between major company and indie label might be a hard job to do.
Agora Akbar Prayitno
Good, thanks for posting Akbar.
Stress can be prevent by several ways. First, by always have a positive thinking because with it someone can convince themself that they can face their problems. Second, have a consultation with others in order to release their mind's load. The last is with physical therapy.
Stress is a part of daily living.
Fall In Love with Paris, France

The second reason is because of its art and museums. Paris has the world’s largest museum, Musée de Louvre. Paris also has Musée d’Orsay, the home of such paintings by Monet, Renoir, and Van Gogh. From the world’s finest museum to some of the more obscure but no less worthy museums such as Musée Carnavalet, Paris has something for everyone.
The third reason is because of its churches. Paris has a lot of beautiful churches to choose from. There are St. Chapelle with its gothic architecture and the church of Sacre-Ceour with its great view of the city. Each church has stained glass, vaulted ceilings, flying buttresses, and giant organs which give mystical and magical feelings.
The fourth reason is because of its shops and flea markets. Paris is a paradise for shopping. People with deep pockets who look for fine things of any kind can buy whatever they like around Madeline and Opera. The best known item from Paris is fashion. World wide fashion brands such as Chanel, Hermes, and Dior are available at discounted prices.
The fifth reason is of course, its food. Paris is certainly a food lovers’ paradise. Paris is famous with its chocolates, cheeses, pastries, baguettes, croissant, truffles, and foie gras. La Maison du Chocolat is simply the most heavenly mouth watering chocolate on earth. Paris is truly a melting pot which not only blends all of the cuisines of the provinces of France in one city, but also world cuisines.
Isabella Widuri
How about San Francisco in the U.S.??
Rock Music From Time to Time
Rock is always a reflection of protest and love at the same time, it will never die.
Glory Glory Manchester United
Agree with you.
Dates; Healthy Snack
Because of the high quantity of sugars, dates can prevent us feeling hungry in a long enough time. According to Dr. David Conning, General Director of British Nutrition Foundation, a glass of water which contains glucose will be absorbed in our body in 20-30 minutes, but the sugars which are contained in dates will be absorbed in 45-60 minutes (
This is very good for people who have problem with their weight. They can do their diet without have to keep hunger pains for a long time. Dates also contain many important minerals and vitamins, high percentage of dietary fibre, and low quantity of fat, which will help them to stay healthy. Dates are very suitable to be diet snack.
Agree completely.
Happy Tree Friends

Happy Tree Friends is my favorite serial film. I like it because it has a good graphic. The graphic is colorful and funny. Second reason is it has cute animal characters such as a rabbit, a moose, a skunk, and many others. Third reason is because the stories are simple, easy to understand, and entertaining. The stories are telling us about the daily activities of the forest dwellers, but with a "little" blood and gore. The animals are always dead in terrible ways in every episode, such as drowned, crushed into pieces, stabbed, etc. That’s why I like Happy Tree Friends so much.
Ari Purnomo Murniadi
Good, thanks for posting.
Tips for a Healthy Ramadahan
The first tips and the most important is drink lots of water.With the long Ramadhan days we are likely to get more dehydrated as we are not drinking for a longer period of time. So when Sahur and Maghrib comes try to drink lots of water.Second,keep away from caffeine drinks and sodas.Caffeine is known as a diuretic which means that it makes you want to use the bathroom more often, losing the precious water that your body has accumulated and making you dehydrated. Dehydration can make you feel unwell, decrease blood pressure, feel thirsty (which make fasting much harder!).The last tips is never skip sahur. Eating something in the morning is good for the body. It provides useful calories for the day and gets the digestive system going. Sahur can prevent too much eating when maghrib comes,so it can prevent weight gain and make us stay fit.
Ramadhan is a beautiful month. Enjoy this month and all the blessings it offers, as well as take advantage of the health benefits we can gain.Happy Ramadhan everyone!
Good. Do you listen to female radio as well??
My Mother
Pratiwi Utami Putri
FTSL 2007
Agree, and you are lucky. I grew up with my grandparents.
On the other hands, there are several disadvantageous to television. One of them is people are addicted to it. People often feel powerful need to watch “boob tube” even if they don’t enjoy it. Recent studies show that people spend almost six hours or more a day watching the television. They stare at TV screen for more hours every single day than they do anything else, including studying and sleeping. This fact prove that people is now addicted to television, although they don’t believe it.
There are not so many good programs shown on TV I think.
Live far from parent isn't easy
To live far away from my parent is the most complicated thing for me. I truthfully tell you that live without parent isn’t easy for me and now I live with “my uncle”. In my mind, my parent is the only one who truly understands me. My uncle is rather different with my parent. He has me done what he thinks good for me. He doesn’t think deeper is it good for me or not. My parent will do much wise than that. They’ll think I like that or not.
Besides, cook my favorite food. They care what food I like best. Contrary to my parent, my uncle does the opposite. They’ve know that I don’t like Sundanese food, but they keep cooking it for me. I want to complaint, but I don’t have rights to do that. If I live with my parent, it wouldn’t happen.
My parent also cares about what I feel. They’ll shoot some funny stories if I look sad. In another time, they’ll tell me some inspirational stories when I almost give up reaching what I dream about. My uncle never does it and he seems ignore about what I feel.
All of thing above just little piece that make me feel, far away my parent isn’t easy.
Agree with you.
My Brother
Sometimes he reminds me that I am a girl and I should be carefull all the time because no one really watch me all day. I could be bad if I want with all the supported surrounding conditions and none of my family will know but then he told me how bad it's going to get if I do that. He knows my freedom here but he sltill tells me that there are some limits that I should know and obey, like I have to use my time efficiently and effectifly between fun, study, rest, etc. He even once warned me how I am going to be really busy if I go to ITB, and even made me reconsider my desicion to go to ITB. He knows I can't handle these stress situations all by myself, so it's a really big help for me that my brother is here. He became another kind of parents for me.
Good, thanks for posting.
Nuclear Power
Good, thanks for posting.
The Beatles

The Beatles is a legendary British rock music group. Their music was very popular around the world in 1960s with their stimulating songwriting and amazing performances. Beatles’s music gradually transformed from fresh-faced boys singing songs about love into complex young men writing about a world full of political and social problems. This legendary rock band was breakup on 1970. The members was trying to reunite the band, until the death of John Lennon by an obsessed fan. But still, we can feel the influence of The Beatles up until now.
Alfan Budi K.
FTTM 16407009
Good, thanks for posting.
Automatic Tuner
A Guitar with power tune system would look just like an ordinary guitar, without any large extended device or external cables connection, which is a disturbance for a guitarist. There is no big difference between normal guitar and guitar with power tune system except, there is a “power tune” knob on the guitar, which controls “ON” and “OFF” for the system. This knob is connected with built-in cables to a small device on the back of the guitar’s head. This device will control the movement of the tuners to put the string perfectly in tune.
This system is also easy to use. To use this automatic tuning system, first, activate “power tune” with the knob. Lightly strum on a string, and the system will respond to put the string in the tuning desired. It’s very simple.
Mochmad Raditya Pradana
Good, thanks for posting.
New Cholera Vaccine
Cholera, an intestines disease caused by bacteria Vibrato cholera, has been rarely heard. The World Health Organization (WHO) notes, cholera is no longer founded in industrial country and some developing country, including Indonesia. But that doesn't mean that cholera has been already extinct. According to WHO, number of cholera cases have increased by 30% since 2004. This disease is often happened in Africa, South America and half of Asia.
Many years ago, scientists had invented cholera vaccine. But it is so expensive. The vaccine has to be kept in special cooling box because cholera usually happened in remote areas. Moreover, if the vaccine has been taken out from the box, it won't last for long and have to be used immediately. In Japan, the cost that the government has to pay to provide the vaccine is about US$ 200 million - US$300 million every year.
Research team in Japan has successfully invented the new cholera vaccine through rice gene therapy method. "We develop a new vaccine technology that no longer need special cooling boxes and inject needles, so it is cheaper and comfortable." said Dr. Tomori Nochi, one of the researchers. This new vaccine is really good for developing country. Tomori sure that soon this new vaccine will be used worldwide. But he said that the best way to prevent cholera, of course, is keep the water system and environment clean.
Good, thanks for posting.
computer game as a drug
zaky hassani
Good, thanks for posting.
Friendster Fever

muhammad yasir
Good, thanks for posting.
In the other side, there are many great effects of global warming. Increase of temperature on the earth is one of the global warming effects. Increasing global temperatures are causing a broad range of changes. Sea levels are rising due to thermal expansion of the ocean, in addition to melting of land ice. Changes in temperature also change precipitation patterns that will increase the frequency, duration, and intensity of other extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, heat waves, and tornadoes. Other effects of global warming include higher or lower agricultural yields, further glacial retreat, reduced summer stream flows, species extinctions.
Based on the explanation above, we’ve known about the effects of global warming. Therefore, as the young generation we must try to decrease the effects from the least thing that we can do. For example, we can minimize the use of air conditioner, perfume, and many other things that using fossil fuels. So, let’s start to save the earth from now on!
Licha Permata Amanda
Good Licha, thanks for posting.
Mathematic's Mystery
Mathematic is known as the basic of knowledge; it holds many portions in many aspects. Of course, it is so wide that we are unable to explore all of the aspect in mathematics. Thus, it creates what so called mathematical mystery. We have known many "mathematical mysteries" like Poincaré's Conjecture, Kepler's Conjecture, Infinite Monkey Theorem, and any other theorem. Some of them were successfully solved, and the others still remain unsolved.
One of the well known mysteries is Fermat's Last Theorem. Pierre de Fermat, live 1601-1665 as a mathematician, state that:
xn + yn = zn
Has no non-zero integer solutions for x, y and z when n > 2. Fermat wrote this in one of his paper as a marginal note: I have discovered a truly remarkable proof which this margin is too small to contain. Many famous mathematicians try to solve this mystery from time to time, including Euler, Sophie Germaine, Gauss, and any other mathematicians. Although many works and methods were conducted, a very small doubt for Fermat's Last Theorem will remain for some time since no complex proof to guarantee this theorem. Until now on, Fermat's Last Theorem still become a mystery.
Haryus A A
Good, thanks for posting.
Everybody Knows That They Are Innocent, But...
Good thought.
Garbage is our earth
Garbage and our life are things that can not be separated, everyday as we do our life, we have to face garbage and waste problem. The garbage quantity is increased together along with the growth of population, this problem causes air, soil, and water pollution. According to The Body shop Survey in 2004, the total amount of Jakarta's garbage per day have weight which equals to weight of 6955 elephants and their total amount of plastic-waste can cover for about 2600 football fields, based on this survey, we can conclude that garbage is very serious problem that we have to fix to. For this time, we handle this garbage problem with TPA (Last Dump Pool) with no treatment for the mount up garbage afterwards, there is no processing for this garbage such as recycling.
Garbage is really an "earth's" big chaos if we not deal with it seriously. We can do 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) to overcome the garbage-problem. Garbage takes the main part of our environment, if we do not care to it, who cares?
Nisrina Setyo D.
Good, the problems mostly lie on how we behave.
Online Shopping
Marcella Dyan Mitariana
Do you think this is going to be popular in Indonesia?
Human activities that use fossil fuel are the biggest cause of green house gases' increasing in the atmosphere. Because, until today many power plants are still using fossil fuel to operate their machines. So, when we are watching television, turning on the air conditioner, turning on the light, washing by using washing machine, and doing other activities that use electricity, We also give contribution to the global warming process.
As the next generation, we have tojoin in the effort to take care of our Earth. The effort can we start from ourselves and our surroundings by economizing electricity consume and reducing the use of fossil fuel. One thing that we can do is using publi transportation, using bicycle, or going on foot in our everyday activities better than using personal vehicle.
Annisa Fitri
The problem is the invention of technologies and the behaviour of human.
The Difficulties of Solar Cell
Good, thanks for posting.

Andara Livia
Camelia Indah M.
Agree with you.
managing our time
We often hear a maxim that tells us how important our time is but only a few people who could really manage the time well. There are a lot of people who are still late, running out of time, undisciplined and many other. Actually, if we can manage our time well, those things will not be happen. Managing time is not as hard as we think. Managing time effectively is a basic thing in our life that we can gain by routine. The first thing that we must do is to control our habitual actions. We must plan what we will do from day to day and we must make a priority of our activities. The second thing is we must not waste our time. We have to do things that we can do now. We must anticipate urgent things that will appear suddenly and need a lot of time to handle. The third is we have to list our activities. The list will guide us to maintain our activities that we have planned before. It also prevents us from doing useless activities. Once we can do it in our routines, we may be able to do it by then.
Good, agree with you.
Ramadhan is one of month in Islam calendar. Ramadhan is the most desireable month for all Moslem in the world. During Ramadhan, Allah will raise His blessing and forgive all sin that we make.
In Ramadhan, all Moslem must do shaum. When doing shaum, you are prohibited to eat and drink from azan subuh to azan maghrib. Not just that, you are prohibited from doing all activity which will add your sin. Like make someone angry, bad thinking, drink alcohol, etc. Maybe it’s hard, but it will give you a lot of advantage. Beside you will get His blessing, it will train you to control your lust. And it will make you feel how suffered people who live in poverty. And it will make you healthier. How can we be healthy if we didn’t eat almost one day? In fact, shaum will give your digest system time to rest. And it will burn your fat, because your body will get energy from fat.
Beside shaum, in Ramadhan, there will be a night which more precious from another night. It’s called Lailatul Qadr night. The time which Lailatul Qadr happens is random. But it’s usually happen in ten odd night last ramadhan. It said, Allah will grant any wish from one Moslem. So it’s not strange if in that period time, mosque is always full. In inside you will see people who do pray or read AlQur’an.
Good, thanks for posting.
Be Ultimate with Vista

Windows Vista has so many new features. The first is Windows Media Center, the most integrity media player from Microsoft. With WMC, you can play almost all types of entertaining files includes music, movies, TV programs, and even you can make a picture album from your photos. The second one is windows aero themes. After using the aero theme to your desktop, you can enjoy the 3D flip windows and windows thumbnails that allow you to see other inactive windows without clicking or switch to the other windows. The aero also make your Windows looks much better with their 3D expressions that appear when close and open a window. Third one is windows sidebar. This funky tool can make you enjoy and practically add gadgets that you need, such as calendar, clock, money currency, notes, weather condition, and picture slideshow. The fourth is ease of access center. This feature can be said as a Microsoft cares to the defect of eyesight, dexterity, hearing, speech, and reasoning. This application can be helpful for the blind, far-sighted, and hand defect people. Microsoft has prepared Vista so with this ease access you can adjust the windows with all your defects. And the last is windows ready boost. Facing the high memory consumes, Vista has been ready with its memory boost. After you use Vista, you can just plug your USB memory device, and you can make this device shared its memory to your computer. This method make more practical and economical to make your RAM (Random Access Memory) get bigger memory.
After knowing some features of Windows Vista, may be you can think that Vista is better for you and your computer. In addition, we also have known Vista can share memory with USB memory device. That means we have solution for the high memory consumes. Overall, Vista has been a lot better than other operating system in its features. So, why don’t you try using Vista now?
Good, thanks for posting.
Time is so precious. Everyone, no matter who they are, has only 24 hours each day as capitals, that won’t come back or being summarized if they don’t use them. To illustrate how precious time is, let’s take a moment to reflect about these examples. One year is so precious for a student who has to retry his class. One month is so important for a mother who gets her baby prematurely born. One minute is so valuable for a student who needs one more minute to finish his work at an exam. One second is so precious for a man who has just saved from a car accident. So, try to appreciate every second you have and always find the best way to ‘invest’ it.
Stephen Herlambang16507093
In other words time is money.
Japanese Writing
Good, thanks for posting.
The Mass Extinction of Dinosaur
The first argument said that there was series of volcanic eruptions, not one but thousands or millions. Smoke and ash filled the air, made all day became cold and gloomy. Plants began to die because it lacked of light and warmth. Automatically, plant-eating dinosaur began to die. The death of plant-eating creatures made meat-eating dinosaur starving and began to die too.
Other argument thinks that the extinction of dinosaur happened in a short time, due to an event that was looked by dinosaur in a few seconds. The event was the crash of 10 km diametric-asteroid with the velocity of 20 km/s to the earth surface. With the huge diameter and velocity 70 times of jet plane, the effect of the crash was same with blast of 100 million atomic bombs. The crash sent shock wave to all the continents and made giant tsunami wave in the oceans. Gigantic clouds of dust fly high to the atmosphere, blocking the sun light and made all day became dark, cold, and gloom. Plant became die and dinosaur starving until the end.
Azhari Surya Adiputro
Good, thanks for posting.
Guitar, a mini orchestra
Guitar is a musical instrument that was first founded in Spain. It has six strings and a tube called “resonance tube”. As an instrument, guitar can produces many tones, so basically it is classified as a melodic instrument. When it was first founded, it was made from wood and had an ordinary shape. But nowadays, it has developed into many shapes and also can be connected to an electric speaker.
If we look back at the history of guitar, actually it was designed for solo playing such as piano. It could produce many beautiful tones only from six strings. Therefore, a very composer, Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827 A.D) called guitar as a “Mini Orchestra” that can be played anywhere, anytime. Unfortunately, this “mini orchestra” doesn’t show its ability as an orchestra. It is mostly played just for a single melody or a back-sound of a song. Indeed, this “mini orchestra” can produces bass, melody, chord, and even percussion at a moment.
Good, thanks for posting.
Reason for Studying at ITB
When I graduated from high school I planned to continue my study at ITB. ITB has credibility as the best institute in Indonesia, that’s the main reason I choose them. ITB has a very complete laboratories and library for support the studying process. Besides that, ITB also provides us the best lecturer. 80% of its lecturer graduated from doctoral and magister program. So, there’s no doubt about the quality of the lecturer. The other reason is, by studying at ITB, I have a chance to learn many new cultures from different places. ITB has become a “melting pot” of a student. That’s my reason for studying at ITB
Good, thanks for posting.
Bandung, in The Past and Present
But now, when i come here for studying, the condition has a big change. I still find plant or trees in the street but not as many as in the past. The weather is not as fresh as a few times ago because there are many housing project replace the green area. Besides, pollution and congestion from the vehicles make the city warming. There are many factory outlet and shopping malls along the big street. Now, Bandung is going to be a busy big city, but i miss the old Bandung.
Dian Rahmawati
Good, thanks for posting.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Global Warming
Amelia Riani
Good, thanks for posting Amel.
My Favorite Place
I very like to go to ITB library. ITB library is the most interesting place for me. There are two principal reasons why I like to go there. First, the content of the library. The content of the library is very complete. ITB library has internet station and many good books, for example “The Fundamental of Physics Extended” by Halliday and “Calculus” by Edwin Purcell. Therefore, in the library I always acquire new information or knowledge that I haven’t known before by searching the information straight from book or browse it in internet station, for example is information about the origin of life. Different from information I have gotten from my senior high school, in ITB library I find the proof about the origin of life more complete and clearer. Second, the circumstance of the library. The circumstance of the library is very comfortable. Here, everything (for example book, table, chair, and computer) is arranged well and clean. The situation is very quiet. It is very comfortable for me to read a book or browse information in internet. These all are the reasons why I very like to go to ITB library.
Ario Yudo Husodo
Good, thanks for posting.
My Activities Using My Computer
I have other activities on my computer, for example playing games, listening to music, watching TV, and browsing internet. I sometimes play songs while I was relaxing. Every morning I turn on my computer to watch TV news. When I don't have any task, I often play games. The game that I like to play very much is Pro Evolution Soccer which is a football computer game. Every week I always do internet browsing. I usually check my email and tasks or searching for news or other information. These are my activities which I usually do in my computer.
Bernardino Madaharsa D.A.
Good, thanks for posting
Impacts of Advance in Technology
In the other hand, scientific progress and technological advance also have bad effects. Someone can become lazy because he thinks he can get his needs instantly. For instance, students become lazy to record what their teachers taught in class because they can copy their friend’s book. Someone can also become more individualistic because they can do many things alone with the help of technology products.
As the conclusion, scientific progress and technological advance not only give us advantages, but also bad impacts.
Aris Feryanto
Good, thanks for posting.
The Reason Why Are ITB'S Alumni Get Difficult in Getting Jobs
Good, thanks for posting.
Trebuchet:The Ancient Engine
Good, thanks for posting.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Importances of Soil
Abraham Ranardo Sumarsono
Thanks for posting.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Agam Bhaskoro
Thanks for posting.