Friday, October 12, 2007
How to make a glass
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Glass Making Process
Annisa Fitri
Monday, October 8, 2007
How to Make a Glass
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Process of Making Glass...
Making glass has several steps, which can’t be rearranged. First, we have to prepare the materials used to make glass, such as sand, soda, and limestone, and the tools like furnace, roller, and removable mould. Then, the materials are mixed (by reducing them into powder). After that, they’re heated in the furnace, preferable in the constant temperature for about 5 to 6 hours. The result of this heating is divided into two places according the shape desired. In the first place, the melted mixture is flattened by rollers and cooled into a solid plate glass. In the second one, the melted mixture is distributed into the mould, given air pressure, and then cooled. After the solid bottle glass obtained, the mould can be removed. Finally, the glass products are ready to sell or use.
Martin Sirait (16507338)
Have a nice holiday..!!
glass making
How the Glass is Made
I will explain how the glass is made, generally, in 3 steps: First, gathering the materials for making glass. The materials are sand, limestone, flint, spar, or some other silicious substances, with one or other of the fixed alkalies, and in some cases with a metallic oxide. The silicious substances are lead, borax, arsenic, nitre, or any alkaline matter such as soda, pearlash, sea-salt, and wood-ashes.
Second, processing the materials. The coarse goods must be washed in water. Then it must be reduced to powder. After sifting out the coarse parts, the proper proportions are mixed together, and put it into the calcining furnace, where they are kept in a moderate heat for 5 or 6 hours, being frequently stirred about during the process.
Third, forming the glass. The melted glass from furnace is divided into two places with two purpose; making plate glass and making bottle glass. To make plate glass, the melted glass is flattened and cooled by rollers, and the result is thin plate glass. At the other place, to make bottle glass, the melted glass is flowed into removable mould then blown by air. The glass is cooled and the mould is removed, then the result is bottle glass.
Now we know the production of glass. Do you know how you were made by God?
Nurfitri Anbarsanti