Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Why I Chose ITB as My Place to Study

I have so many dreams in my life, one of them is becoming an engineer. Why? A journey to my cousin's institute, ITB, is the main cause of this dream. In the journey, my cousin told me how pleasurable his activity of studying in ITB. Since then, I found that the work of an engineer is easy and fun. In addition, I knew from my family that engineer is always lucrative. In summary: simple, enjoyable and well-paid are the factor that makes me craving to be an engineer. In order to reach my extraordinary dream, I have to get the education to be an engineer and I have to get it from the best institution-at least in the country. That's why my decision to choose ITB, which is the best institution in Indonesia, as my place to study.

Devita Sari

Devita, please do not use spoken language in your writing.

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