Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Mass Extinction of Dinosaur

Dinosaur which was the great conqueror of earth, was extinct 65 million years ago. No one sure what makes the dinosaur become extinct. Some scientists argue that the extinction of dinosaur happened in a long period by volcanic eruptions. Another thinks that it was short time period by asteroid crash.
The first argument said that there was series of volcanic eruptions, not one but thousands or millions. Smoke and ash filled the air, made all day became cold and gloomy. Plants began to die because it lacked of light and warmth. Automatically, plant-eating dinosaur began to die. The death of plant-eating creatures made meat-eating dinosaur starving and began to die too.
Other argument thinks that the extinction of dinosaur happened in a short time, due to an event that was looked by dinosaur in a few seconds. The event was the crash of 10 km diametric-asteroid with the velocity of 20 km/s to the earth surface. With the huge diameter and velocity 70 times of jet plane, the effect of the crash was same with blast of 100 million atomic bombs. The crash sent shock wave to all the continents and made giant tsunami wave in the oceans. Gigantic clouds of dust fly high to the atmosphere, blocking the sun light and made all day became dark, cold, and gloom. Plant became die and dinosaur starving until the end.

Azhari Surya Adiputro

Good, thanks for posting.

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