Trebuchet is an ancient engine which evolved. Trebuchet was invented in China about 2200 years ago and reached the Mediterranean 600 years later. And it is derives from ancient sling. Trebuchet is a siege engine which have a short arm and a long arm which attached by a sling. The first man made trebuchet is called traction trebuchet and used by the Chinese in 5th century BC. This trebuchet use the men power as the power source. About 15-45 men is pull ropes attached to the short arm of a lever. Then, to fulfill the need of war, this siege engine is evolved to a trebuchet which called counterweight trebuchet. Like its name, this trebuchet is use a counterweight instead of the men's power in its hurling arm as the power. This kind of trebuchet is usually larger than the traction trebuchet and likely have longer range. It is caused by the very heavy counterweight. But its rate of fire is smaller than the traction trebuchet which also caused by its counterweight. This counterweight trebuchet is the trebuchet known and used in the ancient war.
Good, thanks for posting.
Good, thanks for posting.
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