Sunday, September 30, 2007

Glass Production

Glass is made by two separated processes, melting and forming. First, sand (mineral contains silica), limestone (CaO), and soda (Na2CO3) are put together in a melting pot in a furnace. Next, the pot is heated up to approximately 1200-degree Celsius. At this point, the raw material is already melted, forming a reddish liquid, that is called molten glass. Second process is forming. In this part, molten glass is formed into plate glass and bottle, the basic form of every glassware such as lamp tube and sauce bottle. Molten glass is poured to a series of rolling pin. Then the glass is pressed by the rolling pin to be a plate. After cooled down with air, the glass formed a hard-thin-plate glass. To make bottle glass, molten glass is poured to a bottle-shape mold. Then, compressed air is injected into the center of the mold so it will press the glass outward and make the center of the glass hollow. Next, the mold is cooled down and the glass is taken out as a bottle. So after these processes molten glass becomes plate glass and bottle.

Kris Derril S.

Very well written.

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