Thursday, October 4, 2007

Making plate and bottle glass

There are several steps that must be followed to make plate and bottle from glass. First, we have to prepare all the basic materials. They are sand, soda and limestone. After that, we mix all of the materials and heat them into the furnace. The furnace must be heated up to 1200 C, until all the materials reach their melting point and become fluids. Next step, the fluids that now called molten glass are flown in to different path for shaping. To make plate glass, flow the molten glass through the rollers so that the molten glass can get its shape. To make bottle glass, pour the molten glass in to the removable mould. Flow air to the molten glass that already shaped. When the temperature gets lower, the molten glass become harder and ready to use.

Parluhutan Alvin Joseph

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