Thursday, October 4, 2007

Step by step in making glass

There are some steps to make glass. First we need the main ingredients. There are Silica (SiO2) which we can get in the form of sand, then soda (Na2CO3) and limestone (CaO). Then mix the three ingredients in a furnace then heat the furnace. To melt the sand, the furnace has to reach a temperature of approximately 1,982°C. After they melt, the molten glass can be formed into two shapes.

The first shape is plate glass. Plate glass is made by poured molten glass into a melting pot, then the molten glass will flow through some rollers, so we can get the thickness we want.

The second shape is bottle glass. Bottle glass is made by poured molten glass into a removable mould. Then air is blown from a blowpipe into the mould. So the molten glass follows the shape of the removable mould and forms the bottle glass shape.

Then we have to cool down the plate glass or the bottle glass for several hours until it gets its solid form.

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