It is not easy to make glass, and there are several steps must be followed. Firstly, prepare the materials, they are sand (silica), soda (Na2CO3) and limestone (CaO). Next, mix those ingredients in a furnace and burn them with very high temperature (over 1500 degrees of celcius) until they melt. After that, the mixture is separated into two parts. The first part is used to make a plate glass. In this part, the mixture is flowed in a melting pot, then it is cooled and formed by rollers. Another part is used to make a bottle glass. The mixture is placed in removable mould and blowen air into it. The air pressure will force the mixture to againts the wall and the glass blows become a bottle. Let it cools and hardens. Finally, remove the new bottle glass from the mould.
Nurika M.I
Good work, thanks.
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