Thursday, October 4, 2007

Glass Making Process

The use of glasses in our daily life is so various; it can be used as bottles, plates, windows, until sun glasses that we usually use on daytime.
There are several steps of making the glasses. First, we should prepare for its ingredients, like sand, soda, and limestone. Then, all the ingredients must be mixed in the furnace with high heat, so they will mix perfectly and become a liquid, which can make us easier to shape the glass. After the materials turn to steam glass, it will be formed in two kind; bottle and plate glass. Forming glass steam into bottle: the glass steam should move to the removable mould, and blow air underneath it, until the bottle-shaped glass is made. The other, is plate glass. It’s made by pouring the steam glass into such a container that will continue to the rollers, which used to flatten the glass steam and make it thick, and it will be shaped next, as the form that you want.

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