Thursday, September 20, 2007

My Mother

My mother is a Super Mom. She's a single parent. She is now raising two children, myself and my brother, Dipa, on her own, without a financial help from my father. Even though she raised me and my brother alone, she is always able to fulfill our needs. I call her my ' Bank of America'. With her working, it doesn't mean that she abandoned me and my brother. She always manage to free some of her time for the family. Anytime, anywhere, if I have problems, no matter how busy she is with her work, my mom will always be there for me. My mom always supports whatever positive activities, me and my brother are doing. Because my father doesn't live with us anymore, mom is the one who always handle the problems at home, from leaking gas to leaking roof top, all of the problems which should be done by men, she can handle it. My mom is also very confident in representing herself. She's never shy and afraid of people. She has a firm handshake and always look people in the eye. Like it is not enough, my mom is very funny. whenever I'm feeling sad, i just go talk to my mom, share my problems, and suddenly i could smile and laugh again. My mom has her own way of calming people down by telling jokes. My mom is a great woman. She's smart, strong, confident and funny. I admire her as a professional and also as a mother. I guess I could say my mom is a gift from God.

Pratiwi Utami Putri
FTSL 2007

Agree, and you are lucky. I grew up with my grandparents.

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