Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Why I Choose ITB (revised)

I choose ITB of course because it is a good university which has a good quality of education. There are three facts showing that ITB is a good university. First, ITB is one of best universities in Indonesia, even in the world. ITB is in 258th place from best 520 university among the world based on data in earief.wordpress.com. It shows that ITB has beaten other 262 best universities. Second, ITB also has qualified lectures. In 2006, ITB had 53 bachelors, 354 masters, and63 doctors for lectures based on data in www.itb.ac.id. Third, ITB has been winning many competition; national and international. For example, ITB's students have won in Indonesia Intellegent Robot Competition for many times. I think, these three facts about ITB are enough showing that ITB is a good university and are also give me enough reasons to join in.

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